Welcome to Brexventure!
This website informs about the international scout camp Brexventure 2013.

The camp was organized by
Kreuzpfadfinderbund, a local scout group from Wuppertal, Germany. In 2011 year we celebrated our 50th anniversary and during the festivities we had the idea of organizing an international scout camp. It took place in summer 2013 on the Brexbachtal scout campsite. Our partner groups from different countries joined the camp, so we could strengthen or "revitalize" the contacts. Following the camp, we provided family hospitality in Wuppertal.
Follow us on twitter using @Brexventure.
Domain Shutdown
The domain brexventure.de will be shut down on August 27th, 2020. This web site will stay online but will only be available by following links from the homepage of Kreuzpfadfinderbund.
Additional T-Shirts

Each participant of the Brexventure Camp received a t-shirt with the camp logo. As we were asked by many people if it is possible to buy additional camp shirts, there is a possibility to order further shirts now. More information is available on
our group's homepage.
A letter from Jorge
The camp is over for months now, but still we get nice feedback for the phantastic time we had together. Recently, Jorge (the leader of the scouts from Nicaragua) sent us a letter. You can download the letter
T-Shirts and Badges Ready

The preparations for the Brexventure Camp are on the home stretch. On the pictures on the right you can see the camp badges as well as our Brexventure t-shirts which are waiting for you. On the
Dates page, we added some furhter details about the time in Wuppertal. If you still have any questions, don't hesitate to ask. We are looking forward to meet you all!
Brexventure Team on Pentecost Camp

Our Brexventure 2013 organization team was also very active on our yearly pentecost scout camp. In our Brexventure info tent, we informed our participants about the camp and all the activities. Also we found some additional volunteers among the elder scouts who whill support us as leaders in activities, in logistics etc. Everyone is looking forward to the camp.
Waffles, Sponsors and Guests

On the page
Participants you can find updated information on the scout groups visiting us for the camp, while the page
Sponsors informs about the sponsors which enable our camp. In may we made waffels in a supermarket again which was a great success for collecting donations again.
Information on Dates and Activities
More details about the activities and dates is
available here now. There you can find a preliminary schedule of the camp which contains the programme for each day as well as a list fo activites planned for the days with activity modules. Please note that all information is preliminary.
Application for international participants started
The application for international participants has started. Letters with the application forms for the international groups which have commited to come to Brexventure have been sent to the respective leaders today.
Fundraising Success

On saturday, February 2nd, we went to a supermarket in Wuppertal and made waffles for the people passing by to collect donations for our international scout camp Brexventure. This event was a great success, after only 3 and a half hours we ran out of pastry and our collecting box was full. Probably we will repeat this event soon as it was such a great success.
Activity planning
Currently our planning team is focusing the activities which will be offered during the camp. Probably an overview will be published in late February already, sou you will get an ide of what to expect on which day of the camp. All information on the camp schedule will be published